
The Gossip

So a couple of years ago i received a cd from a very good friend of mine(kristen, to be exact) it was a while since i receieved music from someone and i got so many of them. well, i put it in to listen and i was hooked. i absolutely love this band and i love beth, she fucken rocks, kicks ass, and eats like a real person, not the skinny bitches who claim to eat and don't put are skinny and i want to just like smack them, no offense to anyone, because i love all people but, there is nothing like seeing a big girl take stage, present with such abundance of character and bring the house down. that' sthe fucken shit, i love her. so i am totally obsessed with listening to them i believe i have pretty much that cd memorized, and i need to possess more of them. so i just wanted to share how much i love this band and look up to them, and wish i could be that. you know, like in the fantasy world if i could sing, and get over spilling out my stuff and well, less nasty girl, but pretty close. oh and i only get pissy at skinny girls because i'm not, but you know, whatever, no hate. just love of me some good pizza and kickass fucken music. rock on sisters!


serialstar said...

the gossip fricken rocks!!!!

Sierra said...


Sierra said...

I love how she kicked her shoes off at the end....ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sierra said...

I love how she kicked her shoes off at the end....ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

sisterlovemoon said...

well, i am just going to have to get that cd,

:) said...

beth from the gossip does awesome work with other artists.
check out her collaborations with Scream Club & Tracy+ the Plastics.

pissantONwheels said...

I am going to be seeing Scream Club on tuesday, they are playing at the mews with Mad Happy! I had never heard them before and i checked them out and i figured you would know who they were.

Sierra said...

That is so funny!!!!! ARM PIT HAIR!!!!! I am going to that show too, and Madhappy has not been here for years, last time they played at Hairy Mary's....and NOBODY watched them, and were saying shit about them, the Mews makes more sense for them to play at..