

I know I posted this in the other blog but, had to put it here too and go into more detail.
I MET LIZ E.!!!! WOO HOO! And I was a total dumbass and practicly ran away from her because I was in such awe of the super duper awesomeness that is positive synth pop vibe. *sigh* I will chill the fuck out next time and make conversation. It was totally an awesome show and I think Brian really enjoyed them too which brings so much joy to my heart. I love it when he loves what I love. They played lots of my faves such as Plastic Stars, bike theif, ninja of love, science genius girl, and stakeout but, did not play Robotron which made me sad because it was a NASA/ robot event. I danced and danced and it was just fabulous.
If you haven't listened to them yet you MUST. I'm really hooked on the song "swimming pool" right now. sooooo pretty.

1 comment:

Sierra said...

YES!! Finally some pictures!! You totally met her! ROCK!! Hey...I saw them...hehehe. =)The pics rule, its cool Brian went. YAY!!