
Juice Newton-Angel of the morning

This is one of my favorite songs EVER!! It has been re-done so many times, even when Juice did it, it was a cover...But of all the ones I've heard she does the most beautiful version of it..the video is sorta lame tho. My Dad used to play the record, and 8 track all the time when I was younger, I could hear it sometimes through the heat vent in my room too, when he was hangin out in the basement. Then I remember he helped me to learn the words when I was super young, as I asked him to write them down for me...oh the things parents will do for kids... Also, I remember the chick from the Pretenders was on an episode of Friends once..that's right, I said FRIENDS, and she did this song in the coffee shop, and Phoebe was trying to compete with her...I may be the only one that remembers that, cuz, I thought that show was funny, so I watched it, and remembered that episode cuz of the song!! Anyways...here you go Juice Newton with Angel of the Morning...HEy, I could be a radio D.J...that was an awesome lead, well maybe not...to much extra shit...ok bye!

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