
Death Cab for Cutie

This song I listened to alot when I was going through my whole "phase of breaking up".....the lyrics dont exactly fit my situation or anything, but ya know. I have been a little obsessed with this band lately as well, its that voice, and the way the beats change slightly, but you can just tell....it gets me!=)

Also....Chris Walla from DCFC will be on NPR Friday doing some shit from his solo album, so if you are near a radio flip on your affiliate and check it out! He has a wonderful voice, and he also helped with Tegan and Sara's THE CON as well, just some info, i guess....ok...enjoy!!


Sierra said...

make you you watch the whole thing, theres some crap at the end that made me laugh, i did not know it was on there when i found the video...but it rox!!=)

:) said...

they are playing their new songs on the radio out here...and there old songs. it's awesome.

Sierra said...

ok tasha...i know everything comes here later. oh well, at least you can enjoy it =)

serialstar said...

i love them i love them i love them!!!!! AGH!!! i LOVE them!!! I wish they would come here!!!! i've thought about travelling to far away lands just to see them!!!
p.s. postal service is their side thing, I'm sure you know, and they are just as AMAZING!!!!